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Give Now

There are many ways to support AVS, and many have significant tax advantages. Below are instructions on the most common ways to give. If you have another giving method in mind or have any questions about your gift, please reach out to the Advancement Office by email at, and we'll get back to you as quickly as possible!

Donate or pledge online

Online payment methods include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and ACH (e-check).

Credit card or e-check

Visit our online giving form to make an immediate payment using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit or debit card, or give using ACH (e-check).

AVS pays processing fees on each online transaction; fees are much lower for e-check payments (~0.3%) than for credit card payments (~3.0%). Maximize the impact of your gift by either paying by e-check or clicking the option to increase your donation to cover the processing fees.

Make a pledge

A pledge is simply a promise to make a gift – through any of the above methods (except DAFs*) – before the end of the Annual Fund campaign. A donor may make a pledge online or in writing (emails and texts count). A pledge must include the donor’s name, the amount of the pledge, and the intended date of the payment (or dates for installments). Verbal pledges cannot be accepted or recorded.

* Donors cannot make pledges to give through donor-advised funds because of the nature of those organizations. We will, however, note your intent to give once you've recommended the grant from your DAF.

Paper check

Make out your check to Alta Vista School, note in the memo area what your gift is meant for (e.g., Annual Fund or Gala), and then mail your check:

Alta Vista School
Attn: Advancement Office
450 Somerset Street
San Francisco, CA 94134

You can also, of course, drop off your check at the Lower School office.

Wire Transfer

Donating via wire transfer can be a quick and secure way for donors to support Alta Vista School. Wire transfers allow for the direct and immediate transfer of funds, ensuring that donations reach AVS without delay. Our Wire Transfer Instructions provide detailed guidance on how donors can easily complete their contribution through this method.

Appreciated securities

Donating gifts of appreciated securities like stocks and mutual funds that have been held for more than 12 months can be advantageous to many donors. The document Gifts of Appreciated Securities contains detailed instructions on how donors can complete a stock gift.

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Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
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Donor-advised Fund

Directing a gift through a donor-advised fund (DAF) is relatively simple with most providers:​

  • When specifying the organization, please make sure you've selected ALTA VISTA SCHOOL INC. with the tax identification number 27-2889011.
  • Please request that your institution mail the check to the paper check address listed above. (If the fund requires a name for the letter to be addressed to, please use Noa Mendelevitch, Director of Advancement.)
  • When asked to designate a purpose for the funds, please indicate Annual Fund or Gala. Alternatively, you can choose the "where needed most" default option with most funds; AVS's policy is to apply gifts with that designation to the Annual Fund.
  • Once you've recommended the gift to your institution, please notify the AVS team via email of the details and, if possible, provide the receipt or confirmation. (While not required, this helps ensure gifts are properly documented when received.)
  • If there are any issues – or if your donor-advised fund needs any documentation from AVS – please email the Advancement Office at with the specifics of what is needed, and we'll make sure everything proceeds as necessary.