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Supporting AVS

Our purpose

Alta Vista School’s mission has always been to provide the best learning experience for every student so they can go out into the real world and become the best possible versions of themselves. Having a unique learning environment and access to numerous resources has allowed students to thrive as creative thinkers, innovators, and catalysts for positive change in our continuously evolving world. 

A culture of giving and getting involved

AVS’s generous volunteerism and participation is what keeps the school going. Your child’s education needs more than just an amazing faculty and curriculum; it needs your financial and active support. When community members are involved and engaged, it provides a richer and more fulfilling experience for all of our students and helps bring everyone together. We strongly encourage parents and other family members to actively participate, not only giving of their time and talent, but if possible with charitable contributions.

Why is participation so important?

Parent volunteers offer a huge resource and support base for the school community. They also show their kids the importance of participating in the larger community. One of the best parts of having a child at AVS is becoming a part of the flourishing AVS parent community. Working with teachers, administrators, and other parents will help you understand your child’s daily activities.

Volunteers are usually organized through the AVS Parent Group. AVS parents organize school events; serve as room parents; mentor Lower School sports; facilitate admissions outreach; and show our faculty appreciation. Your active participation is what enriches our school in numerous ways.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the financial support of the AVS community allowed us to meet the changing needs to provide our wonderful educational programs. Since tuition doesn’t cover all the opportunities we want our students and staff to receive, these donations are absolutely essential. These donations are what allow us to continue developing professionally and keep up with new curriculum initiatives, stay up to date with our technology (hardware and software), and keep up the small class size so every student is recognized for their individual gifts and talents. When you make a contribution of any size to AVS, you are joining a community of parents and friends who are investing in their children’s future. 

As a parent, why is it important to participate in fundraising?

The AVS Annual Fund is what supports all of our current programs. Every family is encouraged to contribute however much they are able. We aim for 100% participation from not only parents, but faculty, administration, staff, and trustees as well. Every dollar counts, and every member of the Alta Vista School community is asked to support the Annual Fund.

Your gift supports every aspect of the AVS experience. It provides opportunities for learning and discovery as well as the ability to be responsive to emerging opportunities and challenges. It allows AVS to be an extraordinary place of education, collaboration and innovation for students today and in years to come. Your gift provides training and professional development for our faculty, offers new experiences and resources in the classroom, and supports the changing ways we offer instruction.