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A Great Return to Action

A Great Return to Action
Dr. Sean Hamer

Welcome back, AVS community. 

Wow! We are back. And we are looking a little different at the Lower School. I hope the summer break has been one of renewal and feels closer to our former social norms. Unlike last year, we were able to start this year in a more connected way and welcomed our new and returning families in person and all together. Our energy levels are excellent and reflected in the smiles on the faces of our students. I vividly remember the trials and tribulations of last year's delta variant surge at the start of the year and how disjointed our reentry felt. 

This year's return to open classroom visits, parents and faculty socializing, and a "normal" opening day was quite refreshing. We welcome a new cadre of faculty who were able to bond over planning and professional development during our faculty "in-service" week. It took our faculty's patience and complete efforts to prepare our facilities for the return of our students, an area that our teachers take pride in. Our students enjoyed each other's company, connecting with old and new friends and teachers, and representing the joy of learning that is the core of AVS. We continue to make it through our health crisis by consistently showing our ability to problem solve in difficult situations for the betterment of us all. We begin a new year with a fresh perspective, and I look forward to the positive experiences ahead for us all this coming year.

Sean M. Hamer, Ed.D.
Head of School


  • Lower School
  • Middle School