Social studies
Lower School
Social studies systematically combines multiple fields of social science (i.e., history, government, economics, sociology, geography, and anthropology). Integrated thematic lessons expose students to all aspects of human society and demonstrate the interconnectedness of social relationships.
The geographic and historical connections between past and current events are explored, ranging from the Big Bang Theory to imagining future societies based on modern developments. Beginning in first grade, students participate in debate, research, analysis, perspective-taking, cause and effect, and citizenship in the following domains, which become progressively complex over the years.
Service learning is also an integral part of social studies to promote civic responsibility and empower students to spark positive change linked to learning goals. For example, first grade students visit the local elder care facility once a month to read and play games with their older friends. Fourth grade students volunteer at a local homeless shelter. Students are encouraged to take initiative, persevere, and realize their vision during service projects. Partnerships with other organizations are formed locally, nationally, and even globally to create meaningful opportunities for students to recognize their potential for contribution and making a difference.
Research & Presentation
Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts, relevant details, and clear speech at a fluent pace while drawing evidence from reliable sources to support analysis and reflection. Service learning is also an integral part of social studies to promote civic responsibility and empower students to spark positive change linked to learning goals.
Middle School
Alta Vista social studies courses take an integrated, thematic approach, utilizing National Standards and California State Standards to guide both content and skills. Each of the course offerings is designed to build on skills students need in order to become successful 21st Century learners, as well provide diverse opportunities to learn human history from different approaches, using student-centered, project-based strategies.
From courses that explore early civilizations and dissect the history of political systems to the study of scientific discovery and the evolution of world economic systems, social studies at AVS exposes middle school students to a variety of perspectives and points of view.
Courses Include
- Cultural History
- The History of Science
- How Did We Get Here?
- Political Economy
- I Contain Multitudes