Drama and Media
The drama classroom is a vital and vibrant place where students learn to tell stories with their bodies, their voices, and their hearts.
A central component of the program is the study of theater, which is a dynamic, living, and breathing art. Students develop the vocabulary of theater, such as actor, audience, director, script, warm up, troupe, in addition to stage directions, such as stage left and stage right.
All students work towards developing articulate and confident performance voices as well as projecting proud and charismatic stage presence. Through the collaborative nature of theater, the students learn the value of working together creatively as a group. They also imaginatively express themselves and perform playful scenarios and stories that they create as a team.
The physical elements of theater help students to control their bodies, focus their minds, and follow directions. The emotional elements of theater help students to identify feelings and how to appropriately express them. Students also learn how to identify personal characteristics and how to transform their own bodies and voices into different characters onstage.
The world of theater teaches students how to be a good audience, practice whole body listening, and empathize through embodying another character. It also instills the value of learning from each other and supporting each other respectfully while others are onstage. Overall, drama provides students with the invaluable life skills of creative storytelling, empathy, teamwork, flexibility, confidence, and positive problem-solving.
The performing arts - music and drama- at Alta Vista teaches aviators how to be a good audience, practice whole body listening, and empathize through embodying another character. Overall, drama provides students with the invaluable life skills of creative storytelling, empathy, teamwork, flexibility, confidence, and positive problem-solving
Our Middle School offers students an opportunity to explore an array of interests in performing arts. Aviators perform plays in our black box theatre and learn broadcast journalism and podcasting in our tech lab.