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Our STEAM-powered curriculum...

... is kinetic, creative, and interconnected - deepening student learning across all areas of the curriculum.

Known and cherished...

... AVS students benefit from low student-to-teacher ratios and two lead teachers per classroom, meaning that they receive plenty of individualized attention.

Designers and artists...

... AVS students learn to express themselves and their ideas clearly and with purpose, whether on canvas, on stage, or in the music studio.

Serious Play...

...AVS students experience the joy of learning through play in and out of the

Explorers and caretakers...

... AVS students learn not just to see and interrogate the world around them, but to take action for positive change.

Curious and collaborative...

... AVS students investigate the world around them, together.

Welcome to Alta Vista School

An independent Junior Kindergarten through 8th grade progressive school based in San Francisco, AVS prepares students to thrive as creative thinkers, innovators, and catalysts for positive change in the world. Our STEAM-powered curriculum and our foundation of deep social- emotional learning inspire curiosity, creative problem-solving, and love of learning.

What does it mean to be an Aviator?

Our educators and administrative leaders have pulled together a lot of information here to help you get to know what it is to be an Aviator. We encourage you to jump in with both feet and explore the limitless possibilities at Alta Vista School!


Our admissions process is carefully designed to ensure that families learn all they can about AVS, so we know that the decision to enroll is mutual and a great match. Like everything at AVS, our process aims to be student-centered and inclusive.

Read More about Admissions
Illustration showing the foundations and pillars of the Lower School academic program

Curiosity, creativity, and communication are the foundation of our academic program. This is achieved through inquiry-based, hands-on, and experiential curricula that inspire love of learning. Within each subject area, students explore and pursue their unique interest, talent, and voice to further their self-awareness and self-knowledge.

Read More about Academics
Parents and families

One of the best aspects of having a child at Alta Vista is becoming a part of the vibrant AVS parent community. The AVS Parent & Family Group helps connect families and coordinate parent volunteers. AVS parents organize school events; serve as room parents; mentor Lower School sports; facilitate admissions outreach; show our faculty appreciation; and enrich our community in countless ways.

Read More about Parents and families

News & Events

Latest News

State of the School: Looking Ahead with Excitement!

Last Thursday, the AVS community came together for our annual State of the School event—a night filled with reflection, vision, and exciting updates about our future. Head of School Rob Cousins, Senior Leadership Team members, and Board of Trustees President Mary Szczepanik took us through key highlights, including AVS’s strategic direction, recent achievements, and major initiatives like our Unified Campus Campaign.

Read More about State of the School: Looking Ahead with Excitement!

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